Dal 16 maggio al 31 dicembre 2022, Andrea Martini sarà Visting scholar presso il Center for European Studies
Andrea Martini obtained his PhD title in International Studies at University of Naples, L’Orientale in 2017 with a thesis that focused on the Italian transition from Fascism to democracy. His current research project, which started in September 2021 and lasts twenty months, is financed by the Gerda Henkel Foundation and aims to cast new light on the fascist network that was able to reactivate itself after the end of WWII. It adopts both a transnational and comparative approach and it focuses on three different case studies, namely those of France, Italy and the UK.
He has been post-doc researcher for two years (January 2019-December 2020) at University of Padua, and has been visiting researcher at the Laboratoire de recherché historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA – LYON II), at King’s College, and, more recently, at the Centre d’Histoire of Sciences Po.
He is interested in post-war fascist history, in transitional justice and in gender history.
He wrote the book Dopo Mussolini (Viella, Roma 2019) and several articles, such as Defeated? An Analysis of Fascist memoirist literature and its success, “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, Vol. 25/3, 2020; Una nuova agibilità politica: il neofascismo italiano da una prospettiva comparata e transnazionale (1945-1951), “Storica”, n. 75, 2019 and Giustizia di transizione. Il processo al Battaglione Muti, “Contemporanea”, n. 2, 2017.
E-mail: andrea.marti@hotmail.it